CharityRestoration оf TempleHere is still many sacred shrines and important antique buildings constructed by kings which were later… Raised:£10,470Goal:£80,000 CharityGive Temple AlmsVisit to near by temple and participate for alms giving programs and during poyaday participate for… Raised:£15,460Goal:£30,000 CharityAlms to the PriestsAlms assume so large a place in the design of eternal love that Holy Scripture considers… Raised:£4,100Goal:£6,000 CharityGifts to the TempleSuch temples became targets for foreign invasion or destruction. Conquering temples could be a source of… Raised:£1,000Goal:£4,000 CharityMaintenance Of MonksHere we offer several ways of making big cities greener. Join us in planting trees! Raised:£5,350Goal:£10,000 CharityAlms for Indian PoorLarge sections of Indians have remained poor for a very long time due to various social… Raised:£2,300Goal:£7,000 CharityFor Temple FeastIndian temple festivals are special celebration in the temple premises during particular days to commemorate some… Raised:£10,020Goal:£12,000 CharityMaintenance of TemplesA large number of temples, particularly in rural and semi-urban areas, remain neglected and it is… Raised:£4,000Goal:£10,000 CharitySupport Our FeastsYou’ve found F.E.A.S.T: the global organization of and serving parents like you around the world. We… Raised:£6,030Goal:£100,000